Cheap Dates: Forget about dinner or the movies. Here are some much more affordable options.
Gay Men: Find your local cruising spot (if you don’t know where it is already). Instead of going there for free sex with anonymous lechers, prostitute yourself. If they’re as broke as you are, you might still be able to get some extra condoms, cigarettes, or a free Dollar Menu cheeseburger. I’m neglecting to include further dating ideas for gay men as everyone knows that they never engage in serious relationships, choosing only to fuck each other through holes in the bathroom stalls of train stations.
Lesbians: Go to the pet store with your lover and look at cute cats. You can then spend several hours talking about your cats. If you have no home to have sex in, that’s alright. Lesbian bed death will soon set in (if it hasn’t already). If one of you has a place, move in together by the second date…no need putting it off until the third and wasting valuable rent money.
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